• info@nucleusmind.in
  • 033 - 66573245

Monitoring and Backup Service

Your Website or Web-Application is always connected to the internet, which provides opportunity for the bad people to hack or bring down your site.

Every website needs regular maintenance like patching and backup. CMS platforms like Joomla and Wordpress release security updates on a regular base, and it is of vital importance for you to update your website, or else it might become vulnerable. At Nucleus mind we have a dedicated team of engineers who look after websites, and their only job is to maintain your site, monitor it regularly and keep it safe and running.

Our Maintenance and Monitoring services include:

Low-cost hosting services. We acquire hosting services from the top US hosting companies, and add our level of service and maintenance to it. This ensures safety of your website.

Provides the following benefits:

Constant monitoring of your site for malware, and malware prevention. Uptime Monitoring of your website. Providing a dashboard view of your site. Providing an iPhone/Android monitoring app, enabling you to check the status of your site from your mobile device.

Open Source Advantage

  • Unlike the closed-source traditional model, where only the vendor-employed programmers can access and modify the source, thus leaving general users completely dependent on the vendor for updates and patches, OSS code is open for anyone to see, modify and adjust to personal needs.

  • The use of OS architecture eliminates the need of costly software licenses and maintenance agreements, as well as qualified and expensive IT staff, and at the same time provides the same, if not greater productivity, efficiency, reliability, product support, and security.

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